A Sunday gift for those who see the road ahead as a bit much:


Life’s Lessons

by John Henry Newman

I learn, as the years roll onward
And leave the past behind,
That much I had counted sorrow
But proves that God is kind;
That many a flower I had longed for
Had hidden a thorn of pain,

rosee[1] And many a rugged bypath
Led to fields of ripened grain.

 The clouds that cover the sunshine
They can not banish the sun;

708cd-img_5101252822529[1] And the earth shines out the brighter
When the weary rain is done.
We must stand in the deepest shadow
To see the clearest light;
And often through wrong’s own darkness
Comes the very strength of light.

in_the_shadow_forest_road_nature_light_dark_1600x900_hd-wallpaper-1048196[1] The sweetest rest is at even,
After a wearisome day,

Noonday Rest by Jean Francois Millet

Noonday Rest by Jean Francois Millet

 When the heavy burden of labor
Has borne from our hearts away;
And those who have never known sorrow


 Can not know the infinite peace
That falls on the troubled spirit
When it sees at last release.

_MG_6996[1]We must live through the dreary winter
If we would value the spring;

And the woods must be cold and silent
Before the robins sing.
The flowers must be buried in darkness
Before they can bud and bloom,

wallpaper-crocus-flower-buds-violet-primrose-snow-spring-flowers[1] And the sweetest, warmest sunshine
Comes after the storm and gloom.  


  1. So much wisdom in this wonderful poem. Your photographs add a whole new dimension.

    As a regular reader of Charlie’s, Peli’s and Mark’s blogs, I do sometimes (often) see the road ahead as a bit much.

    This poem brings much comfort. Thank you.


    1. I loved the poem the minute I read it years and years ago. I made bookmarks of it, and gave it to friends to buoy them up a little, but I could sense that they were not well received. I guess those who got the bookmarks were dead set on achieving their dreams even if it went against Heaven.

      Some time before I started blogging seriously, I read of the prophet Elijah, drained of hope and exhausted, lying under a tree, being ministered to by an angel who brought him water and food for the journey ahead. That touched me very deeply because I too longed to be ministered to by Heaven.

      By and by, God helped me to understand that that was my calling too – to go out and bind the wounds of others. And so, writingonmyheart took shape. Charlie, Susan (Veil of Veronica), Peli, Mark and others have all answered God’s call. So have you and other commenters on the various blogs. There’s a job to be done, and we’re all at it. Isn’t that wonderful?


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