Lent 28 ~ He is Directing Our Steps


God is our refuge and our strength,
an ever-present help in distress.
Therefore, we fear not, though the earth be shaken
and mountains plunge into the depths of the sea.
There is a stream whose runlets gladden the city of God,
the holy dwelling of the Most High.
God is in its midst; it shall not be disturbed;
God will help it at the break of dawn.   ~  Psalm 46: 2 – 3; 5 – 6

          Today, in the month of St Joseph’s March, I received a bit of unexpected news deep into the afternoon. My eldest was offered an internship at a company and it was a surprise to him as well as to me.

          Quite some time back, he had been scouring the listings for suitable companies to train at. Eager to help, I had passed some name of firms to him. He received them good-naturedly, but he wasn’t too keen on them for various reasons. Then, towards the end of last year, a piece of news came up in my newsfeed. I was about to pass over it when I realised that it was about a pretty established company and its forthcoming project. Since its work pertained to my son, I did some reading up on the company but took it no further. A few weeks later, the same company made the news again for some other area of work.

I felt it was a sign.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever come across articles pertaining to a specific company so close together, but for sure, I’ve never had news like that “move in my heart”. I sent the news link to my son, cracked a joke or two, and left it at that. Months later, with no replies to his other applications, yesterday, he took the plunge and applied to the company in the news. In less than 24 hours, they replied and he had secured his internship spot.

          Pondering everything that has led to today’s news, I recalled that a few months ago, when my son was at a low point as he struggled with heavy assignments and training concerns, I had sent him a gentle word of God which I had hoped would help him in some way. At that time, it had felt like small thing against the mountain my boy was facing.

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Today, the poignancy of the verse from Proverbs 3:6, and the truth it foretold smote my heart. We can never be sure how this or anything else in life will work out. But looking at the way this opportunity has come about, I know the Lord is leading my child somewhere, just as He leads us all on each of our own unknown journeys. There will be a lot to learn, things will not be all sunshine or roses, but today, I’m in awe of a God Who is as ever, in charge.

          There are so many of us, stumbling on our journeys, sometimes, hopeful, often not. Although some well-meaning people might rebuke our lack of faith when hopes are long in coming true, such times are only too true for many, and to deny this is the greater wrong, I believe. How long I’ve prayed for our jobs, training placements and future careers. I’ve never asked for fame or fancy careers but always to be able to do good work with peace of heart. Good news has come over the years but to be honest, sometimes, I’ve felt they just weren’t enough for what we were suffering.

          Today is different, though. Although today’s news pertains to the smaller prayer of all I’ve prayed for, it is the one that pierces my heart.

          For today, the Almighty has laid His hand against my heart and shown me He is indeed directing our steps.


  1. Caitlynne I have come to tell you of a miracle and it is in line completely with what you are saying in this post. You came to me one day and said that God had need of my suffering. Well I understood it but it remained that I just got on with it knowing that and struggling. This. This is a long story and I need to condense it but it is a miracle and you are involved in it because of your words to me and your prayers for me. This morning I listened to a Mass from a place in Cork called the Nissionaries of the Sacred Heart. What happened was amazing. The homily spoke straight to my heart in a deep way about a priest who was in a concentration camp in Germany. In the end it spoke so much to me that I needed to know where the priest doing the Mass had got his words about this priest from as they werre words that that priest had written from the deth camp. It was amazing because me and my husband thought we would be speaking to a lady who answers the phone but we were put straight through to the priest, a Father Con. what happened then was so amazing. He talked and talke to us and listened. He got to know of our circunstances and we talked spiritually too. He is also a monk. But so many prayers were answered through him. He told me that I had the gift of suffering and a very heavy load to bear. That is indeed true. He prayed a blessing over me and my husband. He heard about my poetry and my books and he also heard about me having received the Last Rites as it was still called then when I had cnacer and almost died. He said that I was therefor still here for a reason and that it was for my ministry of poetry. I had never never thought of that before. He also wanted me to have his personal email address because he wants to communicate with me spiritually and listen to me too. He wants to hear my poetry and he also took my phone number. I could hardly believe all of this. I was.almost crying. I told him about the darkness and St. John of the Cross and some other things and he responded. For years now I have been so so alone. But now, it looks as if God has provided someone to be alonside me. And this, I had nneeded and had cried to God about. Our Catholic church here where I live was dead to me as the priest did not come to us or help us even though I am almost bedridden and blind. But here, we now have somone who will pray for us and with whom I can communicate. This is an absolute miracle to me. And all of this quite suddenly. Your prayers helped too I believe and your words to me that day about suffering were so apt. Thankyou. This has been a long time in coming and I have had to wait such a long time and I had to bear everything alone and almost completelty lost my faith. But God kept bringing me back to it. It still is not going to be easy and the suffering will not go away but at least now I have someone alongside me in it to an extent. Catlynne you have written in this blog post about things like this happening and it has just hapened to me too. I hope I have not made too many mistakes in this response as being blind I often make mistakes. I found the other day a conversation between me and you that happened a few years back about suffering and anyway I had always rememberd it and knew you understood it all. So now we have been brought back together again. I cannot get to your blog often but here I am today telling you that all that you have said here is true. God does direct our steps even when we think He is not doing. God bless you Caitlynne.

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    1. So moved by this on more than one level, Lorraine. It is not so much what I said to you as much as it is that you reached the prime point when patient hope yields miracles. How deep your suffering has been. The physical pains, compounded by abandonment. You might have fallen away from the paths of hope from time to time (who wouldn’t?) but you always, always came back to hope. That has brought about this amazing development.
      What a stunning insight from that good monk – that God still has work for you to do. It may not necessarily make life easier henceforth, but it gives you something you never had before – a purpose to live. I truly believe in the mystical side to suffering. Somewhere, someone, in this great vast world is continuing to cling to life because of your poems, because they give life.

      Thank you so very much for taking the trouble to let me know all the precious details of this miracle. I have a lot to thank God for tonight.

      God bless you, Lorraine.


  2. That’s wonderful news! And not just for your son, but also for you to be reminded that God is indeed guiding your journey. It’s only natural to get discouraged now and then when things are hard, but moments like these renew us!

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    1. You’ve expressed so well, Ann. We certainly do need that boost of hope through good news now and then. Your comment made me realise that just as the angel brought food and drink and bade Elijah nourish himself for the journey ahead, so has this news lightened my heart to keep going on.

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  3. This is such wonderful news!!! I am so happy for your son. God does indeed lead our footsteps, and there are miracles to be found in those steps. Praying for you and your son, and for all of your family.

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    1. Linda, I’m so thrilled to have you share this happiness with me. You’ve kept me in your prayers for so long, even through your own difficulties, it’s only right that you know of God’s tender blessings.

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