Lent 8 ~ Do Not Seek to Know


When you seek to reason out everything, to know everything ahead of time, to control everything by human means, you keep Me from acting as the God of love that I am. I ask neither for ability nor for great preparations on your part; I ask only for confidence, your confidence in Me, in the love of My open Heart for each one of you.   ~  In Sinu Jesu, page 26.

          God didn’t speak those words directly to me, but it may have well been so, for I often unwittingly set conditions for my trust in Him:

Show me and I will believe

Tell me and I will believe

          Today, He reminds me yet again of His call to radical trust. To trust when I know what is ahead.  To trust even more when I do not know.

          And then I understand why, today, the prayer laid upon my ears was the angel’s prayer,

Jesus, I will trust in You.


  1. This is the difference between the Western and the Eastern religious philosophies. In the West it is all about the mind and in the East it is about the heart! We want to know how and why and the East is about acceptance. I think there must be a turning point when we stop asking and just trust. I too struggle with this…

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    1. I think it’s just the way we are – of the mind, of the heart, or both! I will continue to ask because that’s the way I am. But if God intentionally mists things up, then I have to accept that and commit to radical trust instead.


  2. I love that quote you share today, especially this line: “I ask neither for ability nor for great preparations on your part…”. I sometimes feel–and fret–that I haven’t prepared enough to hear from Him. But He doesn’t ask for that . . . just a sweet confidence in His goodness and kindness towards us. Thank you, Caitlynne.

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    1. You’re welcome, Brenda.
      Just before Lent, God made it clear to me that this Lent it was going to be about shedding burdens. Our burdens are not always the bricks people pile on us. Often, they’re what we choose to choke ourselves with. Sometimes we tend to think that if we don’t do a lot, then we’re not doing enough. God’s going to help change that.


  3. I love that quote. It brings peace just reading it. When I live the opposite way, which sometimes I do, I forfeit God’s peace. God’s got it all in control. I want to live in that trust.

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    1. I think many of us have this need to live the opposite way from time to time, maybe be this naughty child, just to get it out of us. Pretty soon, we wise up and return to the right path.
      And then, we fall off the wagon. Yet again.
      I’m this way. And I often think, Why can’t I just learn for once? In actual fact, each time this happens, we are learning something.


  4. Wonderful post!!! It is not for us to know all things. As you have said, all we must do is trust in God’s divine and holy wisdom for our lives. He seeks only for our good and cherishes us as no one else ever could. His perfect love brings us a peace the world could never bring us, and so we are free. We are free to take His hand, knowing that in the storms of life, when the wind batters our beings, He does not let go. Not ever. In the garden of life, the blessings overflow as if in a garden of resplendent roses. Yes, there are thorns in life, but it is the flowers that have overtaken our souls, flowers of love that bloom without end. It is when the winds blow fiercely and we feel all alone, we must remember the garden….blooming without any effort on our part. It is God’s hand that tends to the flowers that bloom therein.

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    1. That last line says it all, It is God’s hand that tends to the flowers that bloom therein. A few people I know have this seemingly unshakeable trust in God. They’re not the ones who shout the loudest of their faith. In fact, they’re the most quiet of souls. I think trust depends on humility. Those that trust the most are the ones who know that no matter how much time and effort they devote to the garden, it is God Who makes each bud bloom.

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