Lent 2 ~ Dress Right


I have set before you life and death,
the blessing and the curse.
Choose life, then…   ~  Deuteronomy 30: 19

          Life is always about choices, but the sombreness of Lent brings home to me in a stronger way that the choices I make on earth – be it of life or of death – will reverberate in the afterlife. Of all the liturgical seasons of the year, Lent has the power to make me want to be dressed right in anticipation of God’s coming.

          But life has a way of coming in between me and God’s will for me. Life can distract. Life can also distort my thinking into believing that the more I do, the better I’m dressed. This Lent though, God’s setting me straight. He has told me what He is waiting for from me.

          Now, over and above, this Lent, My Lord wants me to be dressed in garments of obedience.


  1. Wishing you blessings in this Lenten season! You are very wise…doing more is not always the answer. As the Bible so clearly tells us, ‘God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are above our thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)

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    1. Wow, Linda. That Isaiah verse was a hit to the heart (in a good way). It was a journey all right, to get to this point of understanding that now God is calling me to paths of simplicity. He wills that I learn to re-set the basics of life.

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  2. Wonderful! I had a class with a woman from a South American country where the tradition for the women in Lent was to wear drab colored dresses that were specially made to be very plain – sort of like a nun’s habit. She said it was to be a constant reminder that we were to focus on God and not the world….

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