About Me

autumn_mist_path-wallpaper-1920x1080[1].jpg I’m a Catholic working mum of seven much loved ones, blogging whenever I sense something written on my heart. I’m a member of the Blue Army of Fatima and also a Lay Associate of the Priesthood, which is an external prayer apostolate in which lay men and women share in the charism of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood.

For many long years, I was denied the right to be ME. I experienced the grief of loss. I lived in a dark place, depression and despair – my companions.

But there is a God above, and the turnaround in my life is testament to that. By the grace of the Most High, even as I still grieve my loss, I am now free. I no longer live someone else’s life. I no longer live someone else’s hopes and dreams. And that matters a lot.

But the suffering, – all suffering – has value. To paraphrase Elisabeth Elliot – we have been accorded the privilege of suffering with Jesus, and we must now pour ourselves out for others.

And that is what this blog is about. My posts on writingonmyheart are my ponderings on lives lived, being lived, and to be lived. As I journey from grief to joy, as I try to discern what God is asking of me and to make sense of it, I share what He moves me to, in the hope that they can be little lanterns to light up the path ahead for anyone who needs it.




  1. From Marie:

    I have just ‘discovered’ you through Charlie’s and Peli’s blogs. A quick look through your blog tells me I have stumbled upon something beautiful. I’m looking forward to reading all your posts. ☺ The photos you post are breathtaking.

    What caught my attention was your Gravatar. I LOVE the Flower Fairies! Always have done since I was a little girl many, many years ago. Just seeing this brought back happy memories. Thank you.

    God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome Marie.

      Pictures mean a lot to me as I believe they compensate where words fail. I use them to complete the picture, so to speak. There’s a lot of noise in my life, and this blog is my quiet corner off Bedlam Street! It’s where I try to listen out for my Lord, and where Heaven speaks to me. Feel free to comment ( I will remove your email for you, as and when it pops up), because Lord knows, I too need help to reach heaven. It will be my joy if you find comfort or healing or anything, really, that you can take for yourself and others, that will help on this our journey to God’s Arms*:) happy.

      God bless you, Marie.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Caitlynn, I followed your comment on The Mad-Eyed Monk blog and am enthralled with the beauty of your blog. But best of all, was delighted to see that you are a mother to five and a Lay Associate of the Priesthood with the Handmaids of the Precious Blood! I am also a mother to five and am an Oblate of the Precious Blood. Also, I am involved with Roses for Our Lady, a lay apostolate in Milwaukee that is very similar the the Blue Army. What joy to find a kindred spirit with whom I have so much in common! Thanks for sharing your heart here-it’s inspiring!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I don’t believe it is by chance I found your beautiful blog today, Caitlynne .. Via Peli’s blog 🙂
    The writing on ” unbeliever” and ” When fire is a grace ” resonated with an inner scouring I have experienced only recently but also with the deep abiding grace that was there as well to help me master a ” fault ” stemming from a deep family wound and a cycle of behaviour. …something that breaks family peace and the ” something ” evil, you mentioned is within this too. Sometimes all it takes is a firm pressing down ( with prayer ) on the reactions that would continue that un-merry cycle.
    Your blog has helped me understand and is also full of refreshment. Thank you so much ❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your words moved me so much, Jomary. This blog was birthed from personal wounding, decades ago, decades of it. I had no recourse to any type of help resource back then. Even prayer was interfered with by those who wanted to keep me shackled to them. It came to a point I could not hear what God was trying to say to me; it seemed like every time He spoke, other voices rushed in to create confusion and diversion.

      Then, one day, He told me to write… this blog is why I write as I do –

      1) to clear the confusion in my spirit so I hear my God,
      2) to make sense of what He is saying to me
      3) to give hope to others who may be at that same dark point of despair I was at years ago
      4) and finally, it is my journal of my repentance, for I am as flawed as they come.

      If you found light here, Jomary, I praise God for this. I have another decade of my Divine Mercy chaplet to be said, and I will offer it for you.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much !!!! I have as much darkness and confusion as any person , and it was like sailing under a gentle spot light , to discover this .. Keep them coming please. And bless you for prayers. Prayers in return. Praise God 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

    1. 😁😁😁 Happy indeed to see you here, Nil. My nook here leans more towards my faith, … and the struggles that go with it.
      I really like the gratitude list on your blog now. That sure is something I need to focus on!


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