Journey of a Soul


          Sometimes, the most obvious things don’t come to us till they’re taken to God.

          With Lent approaching, I wondered what God had in store for me, what He wanted of me this year. Pretty soon something became clear: on the personal front, it was to be a time of care. To sleep more, move more, rest more, read more. And to watch what I ate and when I ate. Basically, all the parts of my life that had been neglected for so long. As I pondered His will for me, it struck me that this seemed a rather different Lent because of this focus on the care of the physical self, rather than of deprivation.

          But a few days later, one night after Rosary, Our Lady made it very clear to me. Lent was about bringing sin into the Light. It was a time of taking to Jesus our falls and our wounds so that He may touch them and heal each one. All the bits of me that God had tapped – the sleep, the withdrawing from the world to rest, the eating, the exercise, the books waiting to be read – were all the ways in which I had fallen away from Him over the past years. While I had begun to reclaim some back for the Lord, I still had a ways to go before I crested the hill.

          Something so obvious and known, yet as usual, lost to me till now.

          But my heart was still searching for a final piece. At Mass this week, in a quiet church after a joyful wind~merry day, I traced the Sign of the Cross over both my ears and asked God to lay His voice and His Lenten will upon my ears. I knew by now what I needed to do but I sensed something was still missing from my understanding.

          Thus, imagine my surprise to hear the Gospel reading for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time,

A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said,

“If you wish, you can make me clean.”

~  Mark 1: 40

         The leper did not sit waiting for Jesus to come to him. The leper went to Jesus.

          The leper did not stand in pride, all knowing. He knelt down, at last parted from the ways of the world, facing his sin squarely, no excuses he made for it.

          The leper did not wait to see if God would heal him. He asked – begged – to be healed.

From the depths of his soul, the leper had cried out to be freed.

          With that, I suddenly understood anew,

Lent is a journey of a soul back to God.


  1. AMEN!!!! I will be joining you on your journey to Jesus. I have been thinking of what I need to give up – but instead I’m adding. Extra prayer time, extra volunteer time, extra kindness and extra caring…. I’m going to bring Jesus to others and haul myself back to His feet!

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  2. On our journey through life, the more things we bring to God, the better everything seems to go. Peace can only come when we spill out all the heartache, and let God take over. Only He can refresh us, body, soul, mind, and spirit. In order to be our best selves, we must look after ourselves…all the things you mentioned above. I love the first line of your post…”Sometimes, the most obvious things do not come to us until they are taken to God.”

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  3. I didn’t have time to respond after I read your post the other day so came back to comment today. I love this. Especially your last line: “Lent is a journey of a soul back to God.” Bearing my soul to God and being still before Him in my grief journey since my husband passed into heaven, has brought so many blessings into my life. This past year has shown me over and over again the depth of His love for His children…especially when I let go of trying to handle my grief alone and bring it all to Him.

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    1. Grief is one of the hardest things to take to God because it requires an incredibly deep level of trust. To go to God and to keep going to Him when it is He who has taken your beloved Home… it speaks to your humility, your trust and your faith, Nancy. From the outside looking in, that’s what I see. Tonight, having learned the lesson of trust anew from you, I’m going before God with my heart. And then, I must be still and trust.

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