Every Sparrow Comes Before Him


       It’s been a very busy, often hectic time for the family and I. Weeks and weeks of days filled to the brim, not only with the gold of good work and family joys but also of the deep needs for prayer. An aged relative entered palliative care. A close friend underwent spinal surgery and suffered some setbacks. Another’s scan showed an ominous lesion on her liver. Online buddies contended with surprise after surprise, some clearly not welcomed. Another relative summarily announced she was coming to lunch on a day when we were so exhausted from being out the whole of the previous day and there was some scrambling to put together a hearty meal.

       But there were also miracles sewn into the lining of those many days. An unexpected turn led to me finally opening up very slightly to a relative about my incidents in my life that led to my decision to go no contact with some core members of my family. Although I barely went beyond the surface of things, whatever I said had a profound effect on this relative who had never before supported my decision. On that day, he broke down and told me he would never again ask me to return to what God had led me away from. I had not expected such a reaction and in fact, wondered if I should have said anything at all due to the distress it had caused this gentle soul.

Then, I saw the date of our conversation.

It was on the final day of May, Mother Mary’s May.

It was on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I smiled at the significance and all the clouds fled from my heart. Just as She had set out to the hill country of Judah to go to care for her cousin Elizabeth, thousands of years later, the Mother of God had come to my aid when I least expected it, to untie a knot tightened over the years by silence and misunderstanding.

       And so, the days march on, weaving their hearts into June’s uncertain meadows. Some days the weeds loom stronger. Plans are upset and things happen to annoy. The energy just doesn’t come and before one chore is done, five more line up demanding your attention. Some days, angels’ wings spread wide and far across the impossible bright of blue skies, and I arrive to late hours to learn yet again, the sweetness of miracles of answered prayers.

       Today, my Lord reminded me again of His April entreaty, Let Me wash your feet, bringing to the fore of my mind, Our Lady and all the angels and saints He has sent to accompany me on my days. No matter how much of a sparrow we are, no matter how sparrow our needs may seem against the larger conundrums of life, His yearning to love and to teach, to care and to bless, is ever eternal.

       Thus, no plea, no praise, no thanksgiving escapes Him. Our every sparrow comes before Him.


  1. I am blessed by your gentle writings. I love hearing how He leads and guides your life, in the little moments and the big ones. It makes me think of the words from that old hymn: “Moment by moment new mercies I see… all I have needed Thy hand hath provided…Great is Thy faithfuless, Lord unto me.”

    Thank you so much for touching my heart this morning. Blessings to you, Caitlynne.

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    1. Thank you for taking the trouble to let me know, Brenda. I’m in good company. So many times your posts have brought dew to my spirit, just the right words, the right quotes and often, the right colour (pink)😄. And the world’s alright again.


  2. Caitlynnegrace this is a wonderful post! I’m so glad that Mother Mary was at work tending to old hurts… I’ve been listening to St. Joseph’s gentle guidance as we remodel and renovate the condo. So far our go-to contractor has been wonderful. It is for sure a busy time but prayer is easy when painting a large wall! Peace to you and yours as invisible protections cover your comings and goings! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you’ve got a great contractor to handle things, Val. It’s a load off one’s mind, for sure. Sounds like St Joseph is busy there, leading the work. Thanks for the heartfelt wishes. God is indeed keeping a close eye over our comings and goings.


  3. God is faithful. No matter what, He listens to the callings within our hearts. The thing is, He knows our hearts as no one else can. Trusting in His divine mercy and grace allows us to be completely ourselves. He loves us for who we are and as we are. I love the photograph you posted…How much love our Heavenly Father has for His children. Each time we see a sparrow, we remember how much we matter to the heart of God.

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    1. Indeed, nothing is too big nor too little for God. Ever the perfect parent, He watches over us, nothing slips past His immense love. It’s so nice that you like the picture🙂. It took a while to find the one that most closely matched me – feathers in a bit of a ruffle, always looking about, not always seeing the blessings close by😄

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      1. It is a darling sparrow! It is important to be looking about. Sometimes, the blessings find us when we are not even looking…and sometimes, the blessings find us when our ‘feathers’ are ruffled! The birds do hop from branch to branch, but God’s eye is upon them wherever they land. How wonderful is that?

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  4. Your beautiful post brought to mind one of my favorite hymns, “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. I find that hymn brings me peace and calm when faced with hard times that come into my life. Thank you for the lovely reminder. I shall be humming that hymn all day.

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    1. All I wanted was to write a post to honour Our Lady… but I guess She chose the words. I’m glad that the angels reminded you again of how much you are loved. I will look up that hymn, how I wish our church still found heart for such hymns.
      Btw, Ellen, I’m over at your place regularly enough but Blogger makes sure I cannot comment. I must say your refurbished deck looks utterly inviting!


      1. I find that hymns stay with me so much longer and bring His words to my heart in a special way. I understand about the commenting on blogs. I have that problem as well with some. I am so glad to hear from you. God bless.

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  5. This was so beautiful! And I’m glad you told that relative the truth…it may have hurt him to hear, but he was already hurt that you had cut off communication with some family members. Now he knows why, and you two can be in a good relationship again. I think it’s important to always tell the truth in such matters. And I agree, God sees ALL the sparrows, all the time. Remembering that helps so much!

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    1. The truth certainly set me free this time. I think things worked out because Our Lady (whom my relative has a deep devotion to) had taken my relative from the point of believing that he understood all that needed to be perceived to the point of doubting what he understood. That freed up space within his heart and he was finally ready to ready listen. It was a journey for him but one that brought him to a ‘good end’ because his is a heart that truly loves. Such a heart will always seek the truth more than hold on stubbornly to flawed personal conclusions. I honestly can’t say the same about other relatives. I think we all sense that in various situations and it holds us back from opening up, however slightly.

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