Into the Heart


          Three days of sweetness beckon.

          It has been a very hard week. But I tried to heed heaven’s call to fight back – by going deeper into family. By working harder for them. By listening to them. Playing with them.

          Laughing with them.

          Every day, life at my workplace has been like a hard, unyielding rock. Wednesday took more out of me than I had to give. But each day, I came home determined to anchor my heart to my husband and children. Because the word I received before the waters began to churn was to

Go Indoors

          And indoors meant into the heart of the family.

          In the battle against all that is wrong today, the heart of the family is what sharpens our sword. It is what locks our gates and secures our life.

          Because the heart of the family is where God is.





  1. We are part of God’s family. He loves us and wants the very best for us. Where there is love, there is God. Your post beautifully conveys where your own heart is…at peace within the very heart of God. Our beloveds intercede for us when the pressures of this world are overwhelming…love has a way of lighting up the dark spaces because love is God’s way.


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